Two dogs mauled to death at Grafton kennel

I’m trying to imagine what it would be like if I returned from a vacation, ran to the kennel to pick up my beloved beagle, and learned only then that she was torn apart by another dog. That’s what happened to this Shrewsbury couple when they boarded their tiny dogs at Gibson’s Natural Pet Resort…

More Molly

Krista Perry, my fabulous former intern, and my former colleague Ken McGagh, who takes way better pictures than I ever will, teamed up for this story about Molly the giraffe, now home at Southwick Zoo. I miss working with them both, which is why I won’t mention I wrote about Molly weeks ago. Oops.

Paint of the Sugar Plum Fairy

Admit it, I say “Nutcracker” and you’re suddenly hit with an all-afternoon earworm of Tchaikovsky. Sorry about that. But North Grafton artist Lisa Mackin is going to be stuck in “The Nutcracker” for most of the year, since she’s painting the sets for Ballet Arts Worcester’s production for next season. You can read about it…

Ice? Dam!

The big story off the afternoon bus today: the WBZ-TV van was spotted in our neighborhood! Turns out some neighbors were featured in a “OMG, the storm is coming, better clear off the roof” story. It doesn’t look like I can embed the video here, so check it out on their site.

The way Grafton was

You’ve probably heard that Google is now hosting the photo archives for “Life” magazine. Maybe you’ve even gone and Googled for classic images and famous people. But have you looked for Grafton? Surprisingly, it’s here. This was shot in 1952 in North Grafton by Life photographer Al Fenn, part of a series of North Grafton…

Hey kid, get offa my lawn!

Phillias has a close encounter with Kay Whynot. Or that’s the theory. Check out the comments. By the way, Lover Boy? My kids make their own school lunches, thanks. When I neglectfully parent, I prefer to do it while teaching them valuable life skills. I’m also teaching my son to cook and do laundry and…

Grafton in the New York Times

You’re a reporter for the New York Times. You’re assigned to do a story on the no-income-tax initiative on the Massachusetts ballot. You’re also, apparently, in the mood for some ice cream. Where do you go? If you’re Pam Belluck, you head straight for Swirls and Scoops and start chatting up Grafton residents. That’s right:…